


MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you are here You are here because you know something What you know you can#39t explain but you feel it You#39ve felt it in your entire life, felt。

Oracle I#39m going to let you in on a little secret Being the One is just like being in love No one can tell you you’re in love, you just know it Through and through Balls to bonesOracle。


20071020 黑客帝国经典台词~! 28 20110124 求黑客帝国中英文剧本 1 20100808 黑客帝国13高清在线观看 69 20091124 求黑客帝国游戏下载 50 20110313 黑客帝国13中的经典台词 133 更多关于黑客帝国的知识;黑客攻击电脑,就是要找到程序的后门也就是漏洞 经典台词有 1 人在这世界里,有许多事情是我们一定得做的2 没有使命,人类就不会存在,是使命创造了我们,但使命联系着我们牵引着我们指引着我们推动着我们;quot人不能脱离意识来观察物质世界,所以所谓的物质世界只是在我们意识中的真实世界的投影,他不可或缺,同时也并不重要所以只要黑客帝国里的人类表现的是人类意识,那么他们的世界就是真实的quot不认同楼上的,通过黑客帝国的;MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you are here You are here because you know something What you know you can#39t explain but you feel it You#39ve felt it in your entire life, felt。

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