先知i know you#39re neo,be right with youneoyou#39re the orache?先知bingo,not quite what you were expecting,right?almost donesmell good,don#39t they?neoya~先知i#39d ask you to sit down,but you#39re;MORPHEUS与NEO的那段经典对白“Let me tell you why you are here You are here because you know something What you know you can#39t explain but you feel it You#39ve felt it in your entire life, felt;Oracle Yeah, that#39s how it works Some bits you lose, some bits you keep I don#39t yet recognize my face in the mirror, but I still love candy *offers Neo a piece of red candy 很精辟,佛经;Can you hear me, Morpheus? I#39m going to be honest with you I hate this place, this zoo, this prison, this reality, whatever you want to call it I can#39t stand it any longer It#39s the smell;nwctrinity 增加5个大天使TRINITY=女主角崔妮蒂 nwcwhatisthematrix 开全地图whatisthematrix=什么是母体这句话在黑客帝国里多次出现 nwcoracle 开藏宝图ORACLE=黑客帝国里那个先知,mother of Matrix nwcagents。