




  一、主办单位:中国乒乓球协会 西安市人民政府

  二、承办单位:西安市体育局 西安市乒乓球运动协会

  三、 独家冠名单位:陕西禧福祥集团

  四、 执行及推广单位:北京中乒体育文化发展有限责任公司









































































  注: 1、对积极参赛及表现突出的运动队将给予鼓励奖。


  (一)球 台:中国乒乓球协会批准的比赛用台。








Therules and regulations for the Third Silk Road China Xi’an “6 Year West Phoenix”International Table Tennis Open Competition

  1. Endorsed by:

  Chinese Table TennisAssociation

  Xi’an City Government


  Xi’an Sports Bureau

  Xi’an Table Tennis Association

  3. Exclusive Sponsor:

  Shaanxi Xi Fu Xiang Group Company

  4. MarketingOrganization:

  Beijing Zhong Ping Sports Development Company.

  5. Competition timeand place:

  Time: September 9 to10 (September 8 for the sign in, September 11 for the exit)

  Place: Xi’an CitySports Park Stadium

  6. Competitionformat:

  Team Competition:

  Men’s single under age 34

  Women’s single under age 39

  Men’s single between age 35 to54

  Women’s single over age 40

  Men’s single over age 55

  7. Apply for thecompetition:

  7.1. Invited cities,organizations, associationsand their eligibility

  7.1.1. Chinese citiesand organizations (sorted by name): Beijing, Jilin, Sichuan, Chongqing,Jiangxi, Guangdong, Zhejiang, People's Liberation Army, Gansu, Fujian,Jiangsu, Hebei, Liaoning, Capital News Media Team, Tianjin, Shanxi, Hubei, Hunan,Xinjiang, Xi’an, Henan, Tibet, the Central Government Department Table TennisAssociation Team etc.

  7.1.2. Internationalteams: Australia, Canada, France, Hawaii, Indonesia, New Zealand, Russia,Austria, Thailand, etc.

  7.1.3. Thecompetition is open for the above cities, organizations and associations. Each city, organization or associations is limited to one team only, and overall 32 teams in total.

  7.1.4. Players fromChinese provinces must be local citizens for that province (area, city), theyare forbidden to represent other province (area, city).

  7.1.5. Theeligibility for players from international teams will be decided by thecompetition organizing committee.

  7.1.6. Players thatare still registered in the “National Athletes Registration System” after Jan1, 2013 are forbidden to join the competition.

  7.1.7. Chineseathletes must be a member of the Chinese table tennis association. Unregisteredplayers can register at the competition for free.

  7.1.8. Each team canbe named after the sponsor. The format of the team name needs to bePlace+Sponsor Name or Sponsor Name+Place. However the sponsor name must not berelated to alcohol products. For example: Beijing XXX (company) Team. The nameof the city or country must be represented in the team name.

  7.1.9. The Chineseathletes must enter the competition with valid national ID card or militaryofficer certificate. The foreign athletes must enter the competition with validpassport. Scanned copy of national ID card, military certificate or passportneeds to be submitted when applying for the competition. The athletes mustalways carry their ID cards or passports for the organizing committee and thereferee to check at any time during the competition.

  7.1.10. It isstrictly prohibited to falsely represent or cheating, which will result theplayer and team being stripped of the eligibility for the game.

  7.1.11. Age groupdefinition:

  Men under age 34 were born after1/1/1983;

  Men between age 35 to 54 were bornbetween 1/1/1963 to 12/31/1982;

  Men above age 55 were born before12/31/1962;

  Women below age 39 were born after1/1/1978;

  Women above age 40 were born before12/31/1977;

  7.1.12. Insurance:

  (1) All players must be physicallyhealthy. Players should participate in the games within their abilitiesaccording to their own physical conditions, weather and geography factors.

  (2) All players shall purchase thepersonal accident insurance which should be provided by their sponsors orindividuals for the competition in advance. Otherwise,any consequence is responsible by the player. When the players signin for the competition, they should present the original insurance papers andsubmit a copy.

  (3) If the player does not want topurchase insurance or failed to show any relevant material when signing in,then he or she must sign a "safety responsibility statement" with theorganizer.

  7.2. How to apply:

  7.2.1. Eachparticipating team must apply before midnight July 21, 2017. More informationcan be found on the China table tennis association's official website(https://www.ctta.cn) or on the Xi 'an table tennis association's officialwebsite (https://www.xianpingxie.com). Additional information will specify theinformation of the game, information about the sign in, the information of theteam leaders meeting and the venue.

  7.2.2. Afterregistration the competition organizer will contact the team through telephoneto make sure the registration information is clear, accurate and full.

  7.2.3. Any changes tothe application must be made four days before the competition begins.

  7.2.4. All the teamleaders or coaches must attend the team leaders meeting before the game. Thetime and place for this meeting will be announced in the follow up notice.Please pay attention to the Chinese table tennis association's officialwebsite. It is necessary to inform the organizing committee if the meetingcannot be attended on time.

  7.2.5. Chinese teamsrepresenting cities or organizations must have proof of authorization from therelevant city sports bureau or table tennis association. Foreign teams musthave proof of authorization from relevant sports administration. Each city,country or organization can only have one team. Each team is consisted of oneplayer for each category, one team leader or coach. Team leader and coach canalso be a player.

  7.2.6. When applyingfor the competition, if the team is short of young players, older players canplay in the younger age group. However younger players are not allowed to playin the older age group. The team should specify which player will play in whichage group when applying and it is not allowed to change after the registrationis confirmed.

  7.3. Fees

  7.3.1. Transportationfees to and from the competition venue are to be bore by the team itself. Theaccommodation and food will be provided to each team (up to 6 people) for freeduring the competition. Teams with more than 6 people will need to pay for theextra personnels.

  7.3.2. The entry feeis 600 RMB for each Chinese team, or 100 US dollars for each foreign team.

  8. Competition Rules:

  8.1. The games willfollow the latest “Rules of the TableTennis Competition” as reviewed by the general administration of sport ofChina.

  8.2. There is noindividual competition, only team competition.

  8.3. The games willhave two stages, group stage and knockout stage.

  8.4. Stage one:according to the number of teams, divide them into groups and each group willplay round-robin matches.

  8.5. Each match is afive vs five format. Each game is best of five sets, up to 11 points for eachset. Each match between two teams must play all five games regardless of theresults. The games are played in the following order:

  Game one: Single (Men’s singles under age 34)

  Game two: Single (Women’ssingles under age 39)

  Game three: Single (Men’ssingles between age 35 to 54)

  Game four: Single (Women’ssingles above age 40)

  Game five: Single (Men’ssingles above age 55)

  8.6. Scores rule: Ina match between two teams, the team receives 1 point for each game win, or 0point for each game loss or forfeit. The ranking in the group stage is based onthe total points tallied in the group matches. If the total scores are thesame, then the ranking will be determined according to the latest Rules of Table Tennis Competition asreviewed by the general administration of sport of China.

  8.7. Stage two: The qualified teams from the first stage will playin the second stage which is the knockout and extra playoff matches. Each matchbetween two teams will play the "best of 5 games” system. Eachgame is best of five sets. Each set is up to 11 points. Stage two will rank thetop 8 teams. The playing order in each match in stage two are determined priorto the match by lottery.

  8.8. Only one long pimple rubber player is allowed to play in eachmatch between two teams.

  8.9. Players must wear team uniform during the competition.

  9. Ranking and Award:

  9.1. The top 8 ranked teams will be awarded by the competition.

  9.2. The top 3 teams will be awarded gold, silver, bronze medals,award certificate and prize money. Teams ranked from 4 to 8 will be awardedwith certificate and prize money.

  9.3. The total prize money is 300,000 RMB, to be awarded to the top8 ranked teams. The prize money for each place is as follows:

  First place: 100,000 rmb

  Second place: 60,000 rmb

  Third place: 50,000 rmb

  4th place: 40,000 rmb

  5th place: 20,000 rmb

  6th place: 15,000 rmb

  7th place: 10,000 rmb

  8th place: 5,000 rmb

  Note: Prizes will also be awarded to active and outstandingsports teams.

  10. Equipment:

  10.1. The table: The competition table approved by Chinese TableTennis Association.

  10.2. The competition balls: Xu Shaofa 40+mm white seamless threestar balls

  11. Referees:

  The chair referee, vicechair referee and the main referees are selected by the Chinese Table TennisAssociation and Xi’an Table Tennis Association. Other referees are selected bythe organizers.

  12. Arbitration:

  The competition hasan arbitration committee. Members of the committee are selected by the ChineseTable Tennis Association.

  13. The final interpretation of this document is owned by theChinese Table Tennis Association.

  14. Any undocumented business is subject to further notice.


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