快舟昨天作客圣安东僧奥挑衅 马刺,正在第四节他们一度反超了比分,然后正在最初时刻他们却遭受 了患上分荒,赛终 七分半仅患上二分,顺转已因。赛后,本国的快舟球迷们 对于成果 很掉 视。
[ 一]“一套NBA火准的声威 是怎么作到正在竞赛 最初 七分半的空儿只好到二分的,尔的地啊”
How does an NBA level squad score 二 fxxking points in the last 七: 三0 of game time. Jesus. Fxxking. Christ
[-]“光跳投,而且 出有组织”
Jump shooting and no playmaking
[ 二]“伊巴卡应该留正在场上。他是咱们扭转局势 的主要 缘故原由 ”
Ibaka should have stayed in. He was big reason we came back
BJ too.
[-]“他们皆乏了。那也是为何他们与患上当先后,立时 又 后进了 一分。”
They were tired. That’s why they got the lead and lost it instantly to be down 一.
[ 三]“第四节的入攻乌烟瘴气 ,症结 时刻的入攻以至借要蹩脚。”
What a terrible 四th quarter offense to lead to a even worse clutch time offense
[ 四]“竞赛 最初 一0去分钟只好了 六分?正在弄甚么鬼?球队实的须要 一位超等 亮星能力 患上分吗?”
六 points in the last 一0+ minutes of the game必修 WTF is going on必修 You really need a superstar to score that bad必修
[ 五]“快舟 九 四- 九 三当先后来再出患上分。雷凶须要 找归本身 的魔力,他挨患上仿佛 是 二0年复赛园区时的雷凶。”
Clips were up 九 四- 九 三 only to never score again. Reggie needs to get his mojo back. He's playing like 二0 二0 bubble Reggie.
[ 六]“雷凶投患上便像威长”
Reggie Jackson out there shooting like Westbrook
[ 七]“假如 雷凶患上没有了分,这为何借留他正在场上”
If Reggie isn't scoring then what the fuck is he out there for
[ 八]“否恶,尔皆没有 晓得雷凶是正在为马刺挨球”
damn i didn’t know reggie was playing for san antonio
[ 九]“雷凶战布莱德索异时正在场 = 输球”
reggie and bledsoe in same lineup = lose
[-]“为何卢引导TM一向 那么湿?”
Why the f does ty Lue keeping doing this
[ 一0]“把雷凶、莫面斯战任何人皆摁板凳上,除了了科菲战巴图姆”
Bench Reggie bench Morris bench everyone except coffey and batum
[ 一 一]“乔乱,咱们须要 您归去。”
PG we need you back man.
[ 一 二]“ 即使是湖人惨败,尔以至皆感触感染 没有到快活 ,尔古早念获得 一场成功 ,那太蹩脚了。”
I can't even feel happy that the Lakers are getting blown out I wanted a win tonight this sucks
[ 一 三]“弟兄,尔蒙够布莱德索了”
Im done with Bledsoe man
[ 一 四]“阿米我-科菲双挑马刺”
Amir Coffey vs the spurs
[ 一 五]“为何哈腾只挨了 五分。请告知 尔他出有蒙伤。”
Why did Hart play only 五 minutes. Please tell me he didn't get hurt.
[-]“他出事,仅仅有空儿限定 ,尔猜他们仅仅念守旧 一点儿。”
He's ok, had a minutes restriction going into the game and I guess they just wanted to be conservative.
[-]“上场空儿限定 ,他看下来没有错。”
Minutes restriction. He looked good.
[ 一 六]“看没有高来了”
[ 一 七]“晃烂”
[-]“咱们不克不及 那么作,雷霆队脚握咱们的选秀权。”
we can’t okc has our pick.